The perspective on human in Comte’s Positivism and its reflection in educational sciences: The case of Türkiye
Science, Philosophy, EducationAbstract
Positivism, founded by Comte, became a profound philosophical movement by creating a wide sphere of influence in the nineteenth century and beyond. Positivism classified types of knowledge according to its own principled approaches, reduced existence to the factual and tried to explain humans with the physics of society. Positivism aimed to reshape the ideal of social development and progress with a secular understanding in order to guide humanity. The principles of positivism have also influenced educational theories. This study examines the impact of positivism on education on a theoretical and educational sciences basis, starting from the transformation that began in the field of education in the early years of the Republic of Türkiye. The traces of positivism's fundamental philosophical views and its compelling views in education, as well as its reflections within educational sciences, have been sought based on its approach to humans. In line with this quest, empirical and positive scientific methods, as well as reflexive and critical methods, are considered two separate tendencies within educational sciences. As a result of the study, it has been determined that despite reflexive and critical methods in understanding humans, educational sciences could not escape the guidance of positivism and could not carry humans beyond positivist definitions.
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