Development of employment anxiety scale for university students; validity and reliability study
Job finding anxiety, Employment anxiety, Unemployment anxietyAbstract
This study aims to develop and validate a scale to measure job-finding anxiety, particularly among university students. Anxiety about finding a job is a common problem among graduates and affects their transition from university life to the workforce. A comprehensive literature review was conducted to identify relevant constructs and items to be included in the scale. Following the literature review, an expert opinion form was prepared for the items. A preliminary version of the scale was developed through pilot tests after receiving expert opinions and applied to a sample of university students. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to evaluate the factor structure and validity of the scale. In light of the analysis findings, it was determined that the scale developed in this context is a reliable and valid measurement of job-finding anxiety covering multiple dimensions such as inadequacy anxiety, immediate environment anxiety, discrimination anxiety, and country conditions anxiety within 4 factors and 19 items in total. The final scale showed good psychometric properties. The developed scale can be used in both research and practice settings to assess and address employment anxiety among university students.
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