Investigation of classroom teachers' experiences in planning and implementing homework in COVID-19 distance education process
Covid 19, Homework, Elemantary scholl, Assessment, Distance educationAbstract
This research, aiming to investigate the homework planning and implementation experiences of class teachers during the COVID-19 distance education process, was designed as a qualitative method of research. In the research, the case study pattern was used. Data for the research were collected with the semi-structured interview technique. The study group comprised 16 class teachers with experience in the COVID-19 distance education process. Class teachers employed in public primary schools with different socioeconomic statuses (low, moderate, and high) and teaching different class levels comprised the participants in the research. The criterion sampling method was used in the research. Analysis of data was completed with content analysis. The results of the research revealed that class teachers had homework planning and practical experiences, including sharing homework given by students online, taking care to be consistent with class acquirements when giving homework to fill the gap caused by the lack of face-to-face education, preparing both students and families by standardizing homework directions and announcements, providing feedback-correction on time to be able to develop the cognitive, sensory and psychomotor skills of students, tightly monitoring homework, taking care to motivate students when giving homework, performing assessments online, and receiving family support for homework.
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