Examining the effect of technology integration on behavior management in preschool period





The aim of this study is to examine the effects of behavior training provided using technology on the behaviors of preschool children who have difficulties in behavior management or who have behaviors that need to be improved. The study was designed as action research, which is one of the qualitative research methods. The participants include 2 preschool teachers and 10 preschool children working in kindergartens affiliated with the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) in Antalya province by convenient and purposive sampling method. In the study, two sessions of semi-structured interviews, one before and one after the training, were used as data collection tools to determine the students who had difficulty in behavior management and to determine the behavioral changes in children after the training process. The observation method was used to collect data on the behavior change process of children who received technology-supported behavior management training. The findings were analyzed with the descriptive analysis method. The results were explained under the themes of participant teachers' views on classroom management and the difficulties they experienced in classroom management, undesirable behaviors in the classroom environment, practices to eliminate undesirable behaviors and ensure classroom management, and alternative suggestions for classroom management. Depending on the results of the research, suggestions for teachers and researchers were also presented.in classroom management, undesirable behaviors in the classroom environment, practices to eliminate undesirable behaviors and ensure classroom management, and alternative suggestions for classroom management. Depending on the results of the research, suggestions for teachers and researchers were also presented.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

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