International projects on energy and science career opportunities




Artificial Sun Energy, Science education, Science career


While there are alarming developments in climate and energy all over the world, there are also exciting developments in the fields of renewable and sustainable energy. Clean energy sources are seen as one of the essential solutions to environmental pollution and the climate crisis. Considering the climatic changes, the point of no return has been reached, and all living life is endangered ecologically and economically. In this context, we can state that interest in technologies based on solar energy, one of the clean energy sources, is increasing. Artificial Solar Energy (fusion energy) has offered humanity a safe, clean, sustainable, and non-intrusive option in recent years. Especially against the energy crisis that will occur in the coming years, experts draw attention to the consequences of nuclear fusion (Artificial Solar Energy) energy, which is expected to be activated in a few decades, in social, economic, and educational systems. Artificial Solar Energy (fusion technology) is a bright candidate, representing an infinite form of energy that is free from the dangers of pollution and nuclear explosions and has an abundance of fuel. The power of energy to close an era in the past and open a new one continues today with the Energy 4.0 version, heralding the beginning of a new era. This presents several career opportunities for both science education and science graduates. For these reasons, the career opportunities that such projects, which many states cooperate with and support, can offer through science education are intriguing. This study, which is a vision paper, focuses on career opportunities in science education and provides information on Artificial Solar Energy, fission and fusion reactions, EAST, and ITER projects.


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How to Cite

Çelikoğlu, M., & Taş, E. (2024). International projects on energy and science career opportunities. Pedagogical Perspective, 3(2), 245–254.