Examining the digital data security awareness of prospective social studies teachers according to various variables
Social studies, Digital data, Digital data security awarenessAbstract
The main purpose of the study is to examine the digital data security awareness of social studies teacher candidates according to various variables. In accordance with the main purpose of the study, the digital data security awareness levels of social studies teacher candidates were determined and it was also tried to determine whether there is a significant difference according to gender, grade level, average daily computer usage time and average daily social media usage time variables. The survey model, one of the quantitative research methods, was adopted in the study. 384 social studies teacher candidates studying at 15 different state universities in Türkiye participated in the study. The Digital Data Security Awareness Scale was used as a data collection instrument. Descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test and one-way ANOVA were performed to analyze the data. The findings indicated that social studies teacher candidates exhibited notably high levels of awareness regarding digital data security. The analysis also revealed significant differences in digital data security awareness among social studies teacher candidates according to gender and avarage daily computer usage time. However, no significant differences were found according to the grade level and avarage daily social media usage tme. Based on the results of the study, one of the primary recommendations is to provide social studies teacher candidates additional opportunities to interact with computers during their pre-service education.
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