Teacher noticing skills in mathematics education: A meta-synthesis of recent studies
Mathematics education, Noticing, Meta-synthesisAbstract
The present study examines articles published internationally from 2002 to 2023 that pertain to the skill of noticing in mathematics education. A thorough search was performed using the Web of Science and Scopus databases, focusing on article-type studies within this field. The purpose of the study was to systematically review and analyze research related to the noticing skill in mathematics education. Specifically, the study seeks to identify emerging trends, generate new research ideas, highlight underexplored areas within the field, and suggest potential research topics. The meta-synthesis method was employed to analyze various characteristics of the studies on noticing in mathematics education, including sample size, sample group, research methods, data collection tools, theoretical frameworks, content areas studied, objectives of the studies on noticing, and components of noticing. The analysis reveals that the majority of studies on teacher noticing have relied on small sample sizes and predominantly qualitative research designs, with a noticeable increase in the adoption of mixed-method approaches in recent years. The most commonly used data collection tools were video recordings and written notes, underscoring the importance of capturing real-time classroom interactions and reflective observations. The primary focus of these studies has been on teaching foundational concepts, particularly in the domain of numbers. Findings indicate that studies often integrate multiple components of noticing, reflecting a comprehensive approach to understanding how teachers observe, interpret, and respond to student behaviors. These findings indicated that researchers have diversified the field of noticing, resulting in a wide array of studies.
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