Development of primary school 4th grade students' awareness about gender equality in social studies course: A case study
Gender, Gender equality, Children awareness, Social studies, Primary school childrenAbstract
In the research, it was aimed to examine the awareness and sensitivity of primary school fourth grade students towards gender equality and to give them an egalitarian perspective. This research was carried out within the framework of a case study as a qualitative research method and research design. A total of 24 children, 10 girls and 14 boys, who were studying in the fourth grade in a private education institution in Ordu in the 2021-2022 academic year, were selected as the study group of the research, according to the convenient sampling method, one of the purposive sampling types. Within the study,’s scope a workshop program consisting of a series of activities that will last for four weeks, 1 lesson hour (40 minutes) each week, was applied to the study group. The data obtained as a result of the workshop program were analyzed using the MaxQDA qualitative data analysis program. According to the results of the research, it has been revealed that the awareness status, views, and thoughts of the primary students about gender equality have changed positively with the workshops designed and implemented for primary students within the scope of gender equality in the primary school fourth grade social studies course.
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