Internet usage preferences of children with problematic internet use and their parents knowledge and thoughts about children's internet usage




Problematic Internet usage, Internet usage, Problematic internet usage, Internet usage Preferences, Parent, Child, Child


The unhealthy and irregular use of the Internet, which can be beneficial in many areas if used correctly, has become a growing problem. Problematic Internet use, which has become a global problem, is generally defined as a person’s inability to control Internet use, leading to negative consequences in daily life (psychological issues, social isolation, communication problems, family problems, academic failure, low professional performance, etc.). These consequences of problematic Internet use may also be reasons that lead individuals to turn more to the Internet. Parents’ Internet use knowledge and experience, family conflict, and low-income family relationships can influence children’s Internet use preferences. In this direction, this study investigates children’s preferences and thoughts about Internet use and parents’ knowledge and thoughts about children’s Internet use. A qualitative research method was used for the study. The required data for the research were obtained through a semi-structured interview form developed by the researchers through face-to-face interviews. As a result of the study, when comparing parents’ answers about the purposes of their children’s Internet use, the importance they give to the Internet, the reasons for using the Internet, positive and negative effects of the Internet on daily life, it was found that some answers are similar, while some answers do not overlap. Specifically, children’s responses regarding their communication with their parents and the extent to which they talk about the Internet and parents’ responses regarding their communication with their children and the extent to which they talk about the Internet are different.


Author Biography

Serap Duygu Demirkan, Psychological Counselor

 Psychological Counselor 


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How to Cite

Demirkan, S. D., Hanbay, C., & Bekir, H. (2024). Internet usage preferences of children with problematic internet use and their parents knowledge and thoughts about children’s internet usage . Pedagogical Perspective, 3(2), 227–244.