Investigation of studies on fraction teaching in primary school
Primary school, fraction teaching, fractions, document analysisAbstract
This study aimed to examine articles and theses written on ‘Fraction Instruction in Primary School’ and determine the overall state of these studies. Studies conducted within the framework of this purpose were examined according to the year they were published, their types, the distribution of participants at the class level, research methods, and topics. In this study, the document analysis method was used, a qualitative research method. Sixty studies were examined, which were determined according to criteria such as the study context being Turkey, the studies conducted with primary school students, and the fact that fraction teaching was at the centre of the studies. These studies consisted of 25 articles, 28 master’s theses, and seven doctoral theses when examined according to their types between 2002 and 2022. The distribution of these studies according to the years in which they were published revealed that the highest number of studies was conducted in 2019. It was concluded that most of the studies were conducted with fourth graders. Quantitative research methods have been predominantly used in most studies, followed by qualitative research methods and, to a lesser extent, mixed research methods. In terms of topic, most studies have focused on determining the effects of instructional practises and methods on fraction learning achievement. There has also been a concentration on the topics of ‘Students’ Representations and Modelling in Fraction Instruction’ and ‘Students’ Conceptual Misconceptions and Learning Difficulties in Fraction Instruction.’ It is believed that this research will be valuable in identifying existing gaps and proposing innovative solutions for future studies in this area.
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