Improving reading fluency and reading comprehension with readers theatre
Reading, reading fluency, reading comprehension, readers theatreAbstract
This study was conducted with the aim of revealing the contribution of instruction carried out according to the readers theatre method in improving the reading fluency and reading comprehension skills of students at different reading levels. Since the aim was to reveal the implementation process of the readers theatre method, action research, was used in the study. The research was conducted with fifth grade students attending a secondary school located in the eastern region of Turkey. During the research process, a total of six action plans were prepared, and four of these plans were implemented within a period of 8 lesson hours, while two of them were implemented within a period of 12 lesson hours. As data collection tools in the study, reading comprehension test and reading fluency audio recordings were used. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used in the analysis of the quantitative data. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the readers theatre method contributed to the development of reading fluency and reading comprehension of students.
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