EFL teachers' attitudes toward online teaching (ATOT): A theoretical review
https://doi.org/10.29329/pedper.2024.53Anahtar Kelimeler:
EFL teachers, Online teaching, AttitudesÖzet
The emergence of online teaching has sparked significant scholarly interest, particularly regarding English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers' attitudes toward online teaching (ATOT). This review comprehensively examines educators' attitudes toward online teaching, focusing on EFL contexts globally and within Iran. Drawing upon theoretical frameworks such as the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the review emphasizes the pivotal role of educators' attitudes in integrating technology into virtual learning environments. It highlights the influence of internal factors, such as beliefs about technology, and external factors, such as infrastructure and training. Additionally, the review identifies key constructs—knowledge, appreciation, proficiency, and responsiveness—derived from Martin et al. (2019), which underpin educators' readiness for online education. Studies underscore the importance of comprehensive training, support, and policies to enhance educators' digital competencies for effective technology integration. In the Iranian context, research reveals gender disparities and the impact of variables such as education level, work environment, experience, and age on attitudes, guiding targeted strategies for technology integration (Kianinezhad, 2023). This review contributes to understanding educators' attitudes toward online teaching and offers implications for enhancing technology integration in education through tailored professional development and supportive policies. It also suggests avenues for further research to explore emerging trends and address ongoing challenges in the dynamic landscape of online education.
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