The Living Lab to promote educating community development in an inclusive perspective, between innovation and participation



Anahtar Kelimeler:

Active participation; Community development;, Inclusive education;, Teacher training platform;, Technological innovation


In recent decades, changes in productive and social dynamics have profoundly influenced socio-economic environments, which are now characterized by phenomena such as globalization, the omnipresence of technology and the loosening of social networks. These changes have led to a growing alienation of the individual from the public sphere. In this context, education must focus on fostering in both students and the community a sense of responsibility and belonging, which are essential elements for active participation in political life and building inclusive communities. In light of these premises, the paper illustrates the first steps of a research aimed at the design and implementation of an innovative system for the training of education professionals through a Living Lab, intended as an action-research approach operating between community and innovation. This approach, based on action-research, involves communities and innovation to develop a digital platform that fosters the sharing of inclusive practices. The goal is aligned with international policies and recent scientific debate, which emphasize the need for sustainable growth models that reduce inequalities and combat social exclusion. The Living Lab is configured as a methodology that enhances the involvement of end users in the design and co-creation of innovative training services. This approach not only collects data on the process itself, but implements interventions with short, medium and long-term impacts. In summary, the Living Lab represents an opportunity to develop innovative educational practices, integrating evidence-based research, professional experience and perspectives of people with disabilities, in order to create more inclusive and sustainable communities.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Ferrara, G., Moscato, M., & Pedone, F. (2024). The Living Lab to promote educating community development in an inclusive perspective, between innovation and participation. Pedagogical Perspective, 126–138.