Enhancing inclusive teaching. A teacher professional development research grounded in UDL principles




Anahtar Kelimeler:

Agentivity, Inclusive education;, Lower secondary school teachers;, Participatory research;, Universal Design for Learning


The international scientific literature emphasizes the importance of inclusive education, which places the valorization of all diversities at the core of every learning environment. It also highlights the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as an educational framework that promotes accessibility in learning, enabling all students to fully participate regardless of their abilities by designing flexible and customizable educational material.  In light of this, the UDL can serve as a model for crafting educational pathways aimed at supporting the academic success of all individuals while promoting full participation in creating a new democratic educational culture oriented towards equity, universality, and belonging.  Against this background, the paper focuses on the implementation phases of a  Teacher Professional Development Research (TPDR) pathway involving a group of in-service teachers in UDL approaches within lower secondary education. Its objective is to assess whether this pathway leads to an increase in inclusive practices in the classroom, a positive change in teachers' perception of their professional agency, and a positive impact on students' perception of their learner agency. The research aims, on the one hand, to contribute to the scientific literature on teacher professional development and inclusive education and, on the other hand, to promote the co-construction of knowledge within the teachers' community of practice, which is significant as it is deeply rooted in the real context, fostering transformative change in teaching practices and inclusive processes from an emancipatory perspective.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

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