Exploring body education in primary school: Perspectives and implications




Anahtar Kelimeler:

Backward design research, Didactic strategies, Inclusion physical education.


Physical education is increasingly characterized, thanks to contributions from pedagogical sciences and embodied cognition, as a qualitative form of teaching that addresses the needs and requirements of children. Indeed, Physical Education and Motor Sciences contribute to the school environment, alongside other disciplines, to foster individual growth and promote social and cultural inclusion processes. Starting from the school environment, which is an elective training ground for future citizens, the concept of education through body and movement, emphasizing pleasure, enjoyment, cognitive and emotional involvement, is also influencing sports environments. Consequently, there is a need to emphasize the adoption of a procedural habitus capable of identifying the most suitable teaching and methodological strategies to promote inclusive processes through physical and sports practice that is "for all" and "of each," thus facilitating access to and engagement in physical activity within formal educational settings for all students. This contribution, recognizing the importance and necessity of this qualitative approach to motor education, raises the issue of also paying attention to the quantitative approach in addressing the deficiencies highlighted by current generations at the psycho-physical level. After presenting screening results on a sample, some possible integrated strategies, both qualitative and quantitative, are defined to address emerging well-being issues related to the developmental age.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Ferrara, G., La Versa, F., & Moscato, M. (2024). Exploring body education in primary school: Perspectives and implications . Pedagogical Perspective, 74–86. https://doi.org/10.29329/pedper.2024.35