Ministerial touch on teachers’ professional development: A hands-on model as PLCs
Professional learning communities, Collaborative teaching, Teacher empowerment, Professional developmentAbstract
Professional learning communities (PLCs) represent a collaborative approach to professional development wherein colleagues engage in joint learning activities that align with their individual needs. Within the realm of education, PLCs encompass tailored initiatives aimed at enhancing teachers’ professional growth, with a specific emphasis on improving educational outcomes for teachers. The success of this approach hinges on the integration of theoretical knowledge and its practical application. The Ministry of National Education recognizes the significance of reevaluating this approach to facilitate the transformation of schools in Turkiye into collaborative learning communities through the implementation of PLC strategies. To realize this vision, the Ministry places great importance on establishing an enabling environment that encourages teacher interaction and offers diverse opportunities for their professional development. The data were collected using document analysis methodology, and the data consisted of encompassed topics related to in-service teacher training. According to the PLC Model, any PLC is utilized, beginning with participant teachers receiving theoretical training from academics and/or experts, followed by being informed about what practices to apply in their own classrooms according to their prior learning from the theoretical phase. Then, community teachers evaluate their own classroom practices, and eventually, they all gather to evaluate practices and conclude the PLC. Good practice examples are shared in the final evaluation in order to inspire other colleagues nationwide. It has been found that teachers are more efficient and productive when they work in collaboration, which is defined as establishing a working partnership in line with common goals and objectives.
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