Developing the design skills of child development program students “From theory to practise”
Child Development, Skill development, Infrastructural competency, Practise-based theoryAbstract
It is very important that Child Development associate degree students understand applied pedagogy, both to equip them professionally and to adapt them to the environment in which they might find employment after graduation. To ensure that child development students have the scientific perspective and national qualifications that the age requires, a well-equipped and enriched physical environment is necessary throughout the educational process. In this context, the main purpose of the study is to uncover the shift in child development programs students’ opinions on design and practice skills following the workshops. To uncover the effect, the study used the case study method, one of the qualitative research methods. The study group of the research consisted of seven students participating in the Koçarlı Vocational School Child Development Program. Criterion and convenience sampling, which belong to purposeful sampling methods, were used. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview form consisting of 5 open-ended questions prepared by the researchers. The data obtained were analyzed and interpreted using the descriptive analysis method. The findings that emerged from the descriptive analysis consisted of the themes of "competence, satisfaction, areas of development, practical problems and students’ opinions". The study found that students’ use of the applied workshop improved their perception of self-efficacy, increased their satisfaction with teaching, had a positive impact on their cognitive and social-emotional development, and improved their professional skills and sense of belonging to the school.
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