Adaptation of characteristics of successful EFL teachers questionnaire (CoSEFLT-Q) into Turkish
EFL, Qualities of effective teachers, Reliability, AdaptationAbstract
In the study Moafian et al. (2019) it is aimed to adapt the Characteristics of Successful EFL Teachers Questionnaire (CoSEFLT-Q) into Turkish. The questionnaire utilized in this study was the Turkish version, and it was administered to a total of 502 students who were enrolled at Atatürk University during the academic year of 2022-2023. In the adaptation study, The English-to-Turkish translation and evaluation experts' opinion was taken. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was used to examine the data. The reliability analysis, the internal consistency and Cronbach alpha value of the scale were studied in this study. The scale's total internal consistency coefficient was discovered to be .995. It can be said that the Turkish version of the CoSEFLT-Q Scale is a reliable measurement tool with acceptable values.
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