Rethinking How We Train Teachers of Tomorrow - TSTT 2023 Conference Special Issue Announcement


Dear Colleagues and Researchers,

We are pleased to announce a forthcoming special issue of Pedagogical Perspective Journal, dedicated to showcasing the cutting-edge research and insights presented at the TSTT 2023: International Conference - Rethinking How We Train Teachers of Tomorrow. This special issue aims to critically examine and redefine how we train teachers of tomorrow. Teachers of tomorrow are expected to take into account various ways to integrate innovative pedagogical approaches to their teaching at any level as well as digital technologies. Given that today’s students, aka tomorrow’s teachers, have diminished reading desire, a reduced attention span, and little interest in theoretical concepts that are not connected with their realities, there is a necessity to make a change in educational settings more than ever. The objective of this special edition is to offer solutions for further improvement of teacher training programs by showcasing a diversity of effective approaches for bridging the theory-practice gap as well as promoting meaningful learning in connection with digital technologies in teacher training programs. Additionally, it aims to explore new and innovative ways to prepare teachers for the challenges and opportunities of the digital age to ensure that teachers of tomorrow are well-equipped with the necessary skills, knowledge, and competencies to effectively integrate digital technologies into their teaching practice and to create engaging and effective learning experiences from an international perspective. 

Theme and Focus:

The special issue will focus on how to reduce the theory & practice gap, use of innovative approaches, pedagogical strategies, and empirical research that address the evolving landscape of teacher education as well as the integration of digital technologies. The articles included will explore various facets of teacher training, spanning from curriculum design, pedagogical methodologies, digital integration, diversity and inclusion, to the role of emerging technologies in shaping the teachers of tomorrow.


We invite scholars, researchers, and educators to contribute original research articles, reviews, or critical perspectives that align with the conference theme. Submissions should present novel ideas, methodologies, case studies, and theoretical frameworks that advance the discourse on training teachers to meet the challenges of the 21st century. We will proceed to the paper selection process with those who received minor or no revision by the scientific committee of the TSTT 2023 International Conference. If you are eligible you can submit their full papers to our journal by February 14. Manuscripts should be submitted through the Pedagogical Perspective Journal's online submission system and should adhere to the journal's guidelines.

Important Dates:

Submission Deadline: February 14, 2024

Notification of Acceptance: April, 14, 2024

Publication of Special Issue: 24 June, 2024

Guest Editors:

Gamze KORBEK, Ph.D. et Ph.D. 

Charles University, Department of Pre-Primary and Primary Education,

PhDr. Barbora Loudová Stralczynská, Ph.D.

Charles University, Department of Pre-Primary and Primary Education

Juliana Crespo Lopes, Ph.D.

Federal University of Paraná, Brazil

Prof. Dr. Tim Rohrmann

HAWK Hildesheim University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Early Childhood Education Coordinator

For inquiries and further information, please contact the guest editors or the editorial team of Pedagogical Perspective.

We look forward to your valuable contributions in shaping the discourse on the future of teacher training and education.


Erhan YAYLAK, Ph.D.

Editor-in-Chief, Pedagogical Perspective Journal